On Aug. 20, 2009 we witnessed a very rare accomplishment in this industry! EZWealthSolution.com has just reached the One Million Dollar Mark in Sales, and it also means they hit the One Million Dollar Mark in Commissions Paid because
EZ Wealth Solution pays out a full 100% on all sales.
Less than 1% of Home Based Business Opportunities ever reach this milestone because as most of us know they never seem to ever stick around long enough or their compensation plan is not geared towards their Associates but rather towards lining the pockets of the company owners! With a 100% payout, there is no guessing who the EZ Wealth Solution Compensation Plan is geared towards!
When asked why he was paying out a full 100%, Ron Walsh the CEO & Founder of EZ Wealth Solution was quoted as saying;
"I just want to see people make money. I have been in this industry for over 15 years and I know from experience, that most programs/pay plans are not designed with the average person in mind. They are designed to fill the pockets of the program owners."
"I got so tired of working programs that would last no more than 6 months or the pay plan was just another cookie-cutter script that we’ve all seen fail time and time again. That’s why I stopped working every program I was involved with, and in May of 2007 I started putting EZ Wealth Solution together."
"I knew that I did not want to be like everyone else out there and use one of those cookie-cutter scripts that was destined for failure in 6 months to a year down the road, so I developed my own proprietary pay plan, and I did it with my future Associates in mind."
"A lot of program owners say they want their people to make money, but until they put their money where their mouth is, it’s just more hot air, and people are getting tired of this. People just want a way to make money online, and I just want to see people make money! This is why EZ Wealth Solution with a 100% payout is the perfect match for anyone wanting to make money online!"
"We have many Associates who are making $1,000 or more a month starting their very first month! We have Associates who are making $5,000 a month! We also have many hard working Associates who have already or are on pace to make over $100,000 their first year in the business, and all they ever have to pay in Admin Fees to the company is $10 a month!"
"That’s all great, but what gives me the most satisfaction is when I hear from someone who has lost thousands of dollars online, and they are close to tears when they thank me for putting EZ Wealth Solution together because this is the first time they have ever made any money online. I have all I can do not to shed a few tears myself when I hear such heart warming stories. It just makes me feel good inside."
"I want everyone to know the first Million Dollars in pay outs is just the beginning for EZ Wealth Solution because now I have set my sights on 2 Million Dollars, and the second Million will come faster that the first!"
"Back when I first launched EZ Wealth Solution in December of 2007, I did a video telling people about my background in the industry, and how I built websites and wrote conference calls for several different online business opportunities that combined went on to do millions of dollars in sales, and how I had taken all that knowledge and all that experience and poured it into EZ Wealth Solution, and I said that the Millions of dollars in sales that we will do will be paid to our EZ Wealth Associates!"
"When I first did that video I’m sure there were people who said: "Ya ya, I heard that story before." Well, I wonder what they are saying today! But that’s alright, with all the false promises they’ve been fed by other people in the past, they may have had good reason to doubt this seemingly "New Kid on the Block" promising to pay out Millions. I harbor no ill feelings towards anyone who doubted me, they may have missed out on the first Million, but they are more than welcome to join us as we go for the second Million in payouts, and the third, and the fourth!"
"I know there will be Millions more paid out because we have the pay plan to do it, and we have one of the lowest start up costs in the industry if not the lowest start up cost for a "Top Tier Program". As I just finished saying; the Admin Fee is just $10 a month, and with our "Pay It Forward System" at Package Level # 1, your sponsor is going to pay your way into Package Level # 1 (a $47 value), if you agree to Pay It Forward for one other person."
"So technically, someone can get started for as little as $10, and only after they find their first person will they have to Pay It Forward $47. This really opens us up to a global market. We have Associates from just about every country there is, some I’ve never heard of before, and they can leverage their way through our 5 Package Levels ranging in price from; $47, $97, $247, $497, & $997."
"Our 5 Product Packages consists of Digital and Software Products. We have over 700 of them divided into 5 Packages, and they come with complete Resale Rights, and some even have Master Resale Rights where you can re-brand them with your name as though you were the person who created that product. People can sell the products individually on their own or they can sell them in Packages through the EZ Wealth Pay Plan (that’s where the money is)!"
"We have made it really easy for people to sell the 5 Product Packages through the EZ Wealth Pay Plan because when they pay their $10 monthly Admin Fee we provide them with 3 professionally built websites to market, a Member Center full of Advertising Tools and Marketing Tips, Ad Tracking Software to track their online advertising, a How It Works Video Presentation where I close their sales for them, and we also have State-of-the-Art Tracking Software to keep track of all their sales."
"Oh, did I mention that when someone makes a sale the company does not handle the money! When a sale is made we simply connect the Reseller with the Purchaser, and they work out a payment method between themselves! This allows our Associates to get paid the very same day they make a sale, and they get to keep 100% of the money! How cool is that!"
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
EZ Wealth Solution
WOW! What else can I say that Mr. Walsh has not already said? EZ Wealth Solution has been around now for 20 months (as of Aug. 2009), and it looks like they are going to be around for many years to come as they head for the 2 Million Dollar Mark in commissions paid.
After seeing their one-of-a-kind pay plan I have no doubt that the EZ Wealth Solution pay plan is geared towards their Associates, and the second Million in payouts will come even faster than the first as the word starts to spread about this incredible Home Based Business Opportunity!
If EZ Wealth Solution was not already on your radar, then it definitely should be if you want to make money online, and you like the idea of a 100% payout that’s paid daily!
For more information about the EZ Wealth Solution business opportunity visit their website http://www.aussiewealth.biz to register for the "Free Tour", and they will open their entire Member Center for you to see exactly what they have to offer, and be sure to watch the How It Works Video Presentation when you’re in there because EZ Wealth Solution is quickly emerging as one of the best Home Based Business Opportunities on the Internet today!