If you are in the MLM or network marketing business and you want to start using the attraction marketing strategy, you should know that you can make or even break your marketing company. What you need to ask yourself if you have what it takes to attract people in terms of training.
Even if you are selling lots of products every month, you may be very frustrated because you don’t know how to use selling methods to sponsor people into your business. You may be searching for advice everywhere and still not having the success you desire. The fact is that if you look at top performers they are marketing on-line, and I said marketing- not selling.
There are many differences between marketing and selling. Selling involves all these special phone tricks, gimmicks and awe inspiring closes that you may have been taught to use by an upline or sponsor. However, this is not marketing. The key to marketing is not really what happens when you talk to someone, but the process or ‘pre sell’ that someone goes through before you even speak to them.
If you have the training, you can create your own how-to articles, newsletters, videos, podcasts and that will get circulated all over the web. This is key because it positions you as an expert and helps you market your product or service. Just consider all the effort you spend chasing people around, leaving messages, and wondering if they’re even going to be interested in joining your downline. It’s a lot easier if they just pay for your product up front, and then if they join your dowline that’s a bonus.
Many network marketing companies have training courses and information that is usually only sold to distributors of the product. But providing free content can produce high quality leads, which gives you the opportunity to charge for additional information and training and filters out more qualified prospects for your business opportunity. As well, if you’re making more money up front you can expand quicker.
Good marketing practices include offering people good training material even before you talk to them about your business opportunity as this makes you sought after by people who need help. It all boils down to if you don’t have the training to give people a reason to look for you, they will look for someone else. Believe me, there’s many others who are happy to make the money. So learning everything you can about network marketing is essential.
Learning all you can is important to credibility as well because credibility is everything. It’s hard to influence people if you’re not credible and most people don’t take network marketers seriously. The more perceived effort it takes to provide information and content, the more credibility you have. Once your content production process is under way, you can begin to generate more customers and more leads. Create articles, videos, a blog, a squeeze page, a website, a special report, email marketing and finally your own product.
Most people imagine that you have to have a computer degree to do business online. But you don’t. You just need the proper training.